We’re very pleased and excited to announce our first event for 2016!

As part of the Bath Digital Festival 2016, we will be kicking off the weekend’s festivities with a free event on 13th-14th Feburary, where we will be exploring how open data and technology can create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly region.

Bringing together local organisations, residents and the digital and creative sectors to create new applications, visualisations and technology, the event will explore how we can turn Bath and its surroundings into a smarter, cleaner, more sustainable place to live.

Who is the event for?

The event is open to anyone, although numbers will be limited to 50 people. Our events are informal, social, lively occasions that bring together people from all walks of life and from all around the south west, to share their skills, creativity and ideas.

We are hoping to attract developers, designers and artists interested in using their skills to creatively highlight and solve local environmental challenges. We also hope to attract people from environmental groups, charities and organisations in the area with an understanding of the challenges we face.

You can sign up to the event on our meetup page.

We’re also trying something new with this event. Before the weekend itself we will be running some evening events at the Guild Coworking space to bring together local experts and attendees to help explore the data, problems and potential ideas. We hope that this will provide people with more time to explore ideas ahead of the event, so we can hit the ground running.

If you’re new to the Bath:Hacked community, or just want to share some ideas rather than attend the weekend itself, this is another great way to get involved.

What are the goals?

  • Help residents get a better understanding of the area and environment using open data and
  • Highlight the work of local and national organisations trying to solve environmental challenges
    in our area
  • Develop creative solutions to make Bath a smarter, cleaner and more sustainable place
  • Have fun and do some good

What support can I offer?

  • local experts to help us develop and frame challenges for participants
  • environmental data from local organisations that can be used as “raw materials” for the event
  • sponsors to help cover our costs to run the event and encourage attendees to develop useful and amazing things

Or just come along on the weekend or to an evening event and share your skills and creativity. Everyone is welcome.

If you’d like to get involved as a sponsor, expert or data provider then please email us at hello@bathhacked.org.

Where can I learn more?

We’ll be writing more about the event here over the next few weeks. So keep an eye out here, on twitterfacebook, or meetup for more details. We’ll shortly be sharing more details on:

  • the fantastic prizes being offered by our sponsors
  • the new and existing datasets that we’re about to publish
  • the details for the evening events and the ideas generated by the community

We’re also already discussing ideas on our Slack channel. Email us at hello@bathhacked.org if you want an invite and get involved right away. Don’t forget if you want to attend the weekend event then please sign up on Meetup.

In the meantime we’d like to thank all our sponsors  for helping to make this event happen. We couldn’t exist without the amazing local support we receive.

curorocketmakers-logologos_cartofant_cartodb_light Bath_Spa_University_logo.svg ipl realworld BANES-Logo-Hi-Res  The Guild - Official logo

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